URLs for Tongue Twister Videos
(click the hyperlink)
Tongue twisters videos The hardest tongue twisters
and Peter Piper. A tongue twister song by Bryant Oden
Betty Botter
Bought some Butter – Nursery Rhymes
Peter Peter
Pumpkin Easter – Nursery Rhymes with Lyrics
Learning English
with Tongue Twisters
Tongue Twisters challenge
Tongue Twisters: Advanced English
Pronunciation Practice
Amazing tongue
twister rap
Improving your
Pronunciation with tongue twisters
Improving your accent: Tongue
Tongue Twisters with th
URLs for Tongue Twister Videos
Short phrases, short stories that
repeat problem sounds or the same group of sounds to make it difficult to
pronounce when u say it quickly
They’re really fun
Improve your pornunciation,
enunciation, and your ability to speak more fluently, more clearly in a way
that makes you more understandable to a general audience
A great way for actors or public
speakers to practice pronunciation and ability to clear when they speak
Betty Botter:
A song version of the old classic tongue twister by Bryrant
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